

  • For the data, right-click, “save/download file as…”
  • Open the data
  • Complete all of the tasks associated with that data and keep track of your answers / images
  • Once you are done, go on Canvas and answer the questions related to the assignment
    • the Canvas assignment is timed; if you open it prior to completing the tasks you will run out of time

Skills used:

  • Summary statistics
  • Plotting
  • Creating variables

My awkward Google Sheets video tutorials are here


You must complete all of the tasks here BEFORE opening the Canvas quiz; otherwise, you will run out of time!

Displacement around the world

You are going to work with data on the number of refugees around the world from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. We are also going to look at data on deportations from the European Union (source: Eurostat).

Description of columns, type displaced person
data meaning
refugees_under_unhc_rs_mandate Refugees under UNHCR mandate
asylum_seekers Asylum-seekers
id_ps_of_concern_to_unhcr Internally displaced people of concern to UNHCR
venezuelans_displaced_abroad Venezuelans displaced abroad
palestine Palestinian refugees
  1. Look at UNHCR OVERALL. How many TOTAL displaced people exist in the world in the year 2020? (1 point)

2a. Look at UNHCR OVERALL. Make a time series plot with year on the x-axis and the trends for each type of displaced person category on the y-axis. Each “type” of displaced person in the data should be its own line. Save the image to upload. (1 point)

2b. In a few sentences, describe the trends you observe in the image. (1 point)

  1. Create a new variable that tells you what percent of all displaced people are IDPs. What is the first year in which IDPs constitute more than 50% of all displaced people? (1 point)

FREEBIE: The answer for this one is 2012.

  1. Look at HOST. For the latest year for which there is data, what country is the second largest recipient of asylum seekers? (1 point)
  1. Do some googling. Why is this country receiving so many asylum applicants? (1 point)
  1. Look at the data on deportations from the European Union. Create a variable that tells you how much deportations grew or shrunk from 2011 to 2020 for each country. What is the AVERAGE change in deportation from 2011 to 2020 across the European Union? (1 point)

Stories of displacement

  1. You can find many stories on the internet of people who have been displaced or are living as refugees in different parts of the world. Find one of these stories and, in 5-6 sentences, tell us about the person, what happened to them, and where they are now. Include the url to the story in your entry. (4 points)