

  • For the data, right-click, “save/download file as…”
  • Open the data
  • Complete all of the tasks associated with that data and keep track of your answers / images
  • Once you are done, go on Canvas and answer the questions related to the assignment
    • the Canvas assignment is timed; if you open it prior to completing the tasks you will run out of time

Skills used:

  • Creating new variables
  • Counting categories

My awkward Google Sheets video tutorials are here


You must complete all of the tasks here BEFORE opening the Canvas quiz; otherwise, you will run out of time!

Task 1: Combat Obscura

  1. Connect the film we watched in class, Combat Obscura, to two of the readings we’ve covered in class so far. What parallels do you see? What is striking or interesting to you about the film? ~250 words. (5 points).

If you weren’t able to attend lecture, or would like to review the film, it is available on Kanopy through UC Davis.

Task 2: US casualties

Let’s look at this data on American casualties in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars (variable dictionary below). Each row here is a soldier who died in one of these two wars.

  1. Pick a random row/observation — look up the soldier online and see what you can find. What happened to this person? Who were they? (2 point)
  1. About what percent of casualties are the result of non-hostile actions (things like accidents, friendly fire, etc.)? Look at the source variable. (1 point)
  1. What was the most common cause of death for US soldiers? (1 point)
  1. Figure out how to use the MONTH function in excel / sheets to create a new column that tells you in what month the person died, based on the date of death variable. In what month of the year were the most American casualties registered?
Variable Description
date Date of death
name Name of soldier
rank Rank of soldier
nationality Nationality of soldier
branch Branch of military
age Age at death
country Country (Iraq or Afghanistan)
province Province where soldier died
where City/locale where soldier died
source Source of death (hostile or non-hostile)
cause Cause of death
state Home state of soldier
city Home city/town of soldier
state_pop_2010 Population in state (2010)